The UK Guide to Avoiding a Taxable Benefit

This course is designed to outline the concessions and provisions that apply that, maybe, you are unaware of. Nobody wants to pay more than they have to, so this course will give you the legal routes to avoiding these liabilities.
Duration: 1 Day
Hours: 1 Hour
Training Level: All Level
Virtual Class Id: 52449
Single Attendee
$199.00 $332.00
6 month Access for Recorded
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About the Course:

If the employer provides an employee with a benefit-in-kind, there is usually an Income Tax obligation. The same applies when the employer pays or reimburses expenses that have been incurred. Before April 2026, the employer can declare this on the P11D and the employee pays tax through their tax code and the employer pays National Insurance Contributions.

However, are you aware of the concessions and provisions in UK legislation that means many can be provided without a tax or National Insurance implication? Most employers and employees are not meaning these costs are incurred unnecessarily. From employer to employee, this course will benefit and, possibly, mean time-saving and cost-saving, which can be yours - and legally.

Course Objective:

  • Save time and money: a guide to the concessions and provisions that mean some benefits and expenses do not have to be declared to HMRC
  • Adapt processes and policies to take advantage of these

Who is the Target Audience?

  • A basic understanding of UK benefits and expenses.

Basic Knowledge:

  • If you are an employer who provides benefits and expenses, this course will outline the exemptions and concessions available. This course will also benefit agents who process payrolls for clients, for example, accountants and bookkeepers. HR professionals will also benefit as this may influence company benefit and expense policies.

Total Duration: 1 Hour
The Fundamentals of P11D and P11D(B) Reporting
Tax-Free Expenses and Benefits, All With Links to Further Guidance
Benefits and the Interaction With Optional Remuneration Arrangements
The PAYE Settlement Agreement, And
The Trivial Benefits Exemption